Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Wellington, Castle Point, Napier, Palmerston North and back to Wellington.

 With barely time to do the washing we were off again, this time to the North Island!
Ultimately we were heading to a wedding in Palmerston North but we had some time to fill in before hand!
After we crossed the straight we headed for Evans Bay 
Due to changes because of Covid 19 it is now easy to get a parkup here, it is close to a busy road and near the airport, so it’s not for light sleepers.

Right at the end of Wellington Airport Runway, this is where they come into land 

 We motored up through the Wairarapa and hung a right at Masterton after checking out he local Sunday Market.
Having been here before it is still worth revisiting, a fabulous part of the coastline, dramatic seas and superb scenery 

Castle point was fantastic for taking photos and testing out my new found skills.
Once in Napier we parked up on Marine Parade about 2klms south of the city.
I got both the bike and the unicyle off and rode the seafront track both into town and towards Hasting too! 
Checking out the light at sunrise and sunset each day and strolling around town early mornings, is a great way to see the city!

We were in Napier for three days and I revisited the Pier taking more photos....it’s amazing how the view changes with the time and the weather!

 Some around town city shots of Napier.

My god...they’ve squeezed a tree into this building...how neat is that!
 We went out to Craggy Ridge Wines ..... we were bowled by the whole set up here!
So we thought, it’s 1.30pm we’ll have lunch, but was told lunch doesn’t start till 2.30pm ????
 Anyway I took some free photos while we had some nibbles.

A Roller is parked in space #1 and back of the line is our Mitsubishi Rosa. 

Now back at Marine Parade Napier and another sunrise!

Palmerston North has a nice little free parkup right in town...the tree is real but the bus and the river on the wall is a mural

On Cuba street ... it’s a hip town Man!
Things go better with Coke

It’s numbers game!

We motored down to Wellington,parking yet again at Evans Bay and from there I biked into town 

This tells you about Wellington's weather ... it happens allot
Man its windy!

Checking out the city at night
The back view of Te Papa

So next we headed out to Weta Workshops and the South Island and home.

Plenty to follow, with more blogs.

Till then.
Stay safe, have fun and be creative.

Cheers Jimu & Christine.

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