Monday, May 17, 2021

Wanaka, Cromwell, a revisit of Lindus Pass and Christchurch.

Leaving the Wanaka area and heading through Central Otago with new skills and renewed enthusiasm heading to pick up Christine in Christchurch.

Just to return briefly back to the Photography  workshop, I forgot to show some of the other peoples results and we got to print off our two best images.
Here are a few others which were taken during the workshop but on a side issue
 of getting some nice wine for Christines arrival this is the space age winery 
of Peregrine Wines between Arrowtown and Cromwell.

So now I was on the loose, looking to put my new photography skills into practise, I revisited Arrowtown

And do what I do best ... just wander about ...  following my nose ... looking ....  it’s incredibly relaxing

I stopped to check out the AJ Hackett bungy jump off the bridge across the Kawerau River 

Now out on the Gibbston Highway while checking out another winery (just for research you understand)
I could see the light and sunset was coming my way!

I parked up outside Cromwell at the Lowburn free park-up
and got all set up ready for the sunrise to arrive! 
And what a difference a minute or two makes!

Going back into Cromwell and crossing the Clutha River and heading down the east side of Lake Dunstable
heading for the Lindus Pass, but not before a few more dramatic landscape shots.

I had gone through the Lindus Pass 5days ago in grey weather, 
but now the sun was shining!

What a difference the sun makes... and this was close to midday! 

Onwards towards Fairlie ... I was hanging out for one of the famous Fairlie Bakery Pies.
I had, had lunch, (terrible but perfectly understandable english...I am Scottish after all) and bought one for that nights tea.
I must however say for one of the best bakerys around it has the worst system of getting served ... it’s a free for all, with no obvious que or pay point.
McKenzie and his dog are in perpetual sheep stalking mode right here in Main Street Fairlie!

I picked up Christine at the airport and we headed into town for lunch etc.

Christchurch is still improving and still a major building site... 

I had a good blow in the Square, it was still the school holidays with quite a few Kids about!

We headed out to Akaroa, because it was such a lovely day and still in “why not mode”

The below photo was an exercise in getting the exposure correct.....
Something very ordinary in the right light can very satisfying to photograph!

Tree beautifully trimmed to allow upper story view!

 A tree medously tortured simply stunning!

We took the Summit Road, just for summat to do and ended up at Le Bons Bay...
Where the Piwakawaka play, right on the beach.

 And the jet black dog too!

I tried to photograph the Aurora Australis 
which was predicted to show that night, ... 
but, this was the nearest I got from the Birdlings Flat area!

On the return to Chch it was Anzac weekend with allot of people taking in the botanical Gardens 

How did I ever manage to take this incredible photo of two one legged seagulls, 
squawking in perfect unison, whilst standing on the stairway to heaven.....
Now that takes some talent ... lets face it ... I’m just a genius!

Heading North and homeward yet again, we called into Hanmer
for another hot soak in the hot pools ....
 and another stop in the Lewis pass (again)

 And homeward for a few days as we are next off to a wedding in Palmerston North.

Thanks for reading/viewing this far....I do hope you enjoy these at least as much as I enjoy doing them?
Cheers till the next blog!
Stay safe... Have fun ... and be Creative.
Jimu & Christine.

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