Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Wellington Heading North

 I headed to Evans Bay not really expecting to get a spot to park so late in the day and was pleasantly surprised with new toilets and plenty of parking places.

This sign (done by me) seemed appropriate as I leave Wellington.
 Another message...not done by me..seen...is my sentiment entirely!

Wellington sure is a funky town!

You may know I am a fan of fantails

Several weeks ago while visiting Christchurch I viewed the Owen Mapp exhibition at the Canterbury Museum. This was celebrating 50 years as a carver in New Zealand. In the gallery video Owen gave his phone number and stated he is open to visits from passerby’s.

Here are some of his exhibition pieces.

I was blown away by his work and attitude...so I made a point to pass by his home on the Kapiti Coast if I could!
When I contacted him I mentioned I already had one of his pieces from an english friend, 
who had commissioned a lovely work but was unable to take out of the country
 as it had a beautifully carved whale bone piece in it. So he very kindly gave it to yours truely!

I visited his home and workshop and as you can see below, it is a veritable Aladdin's Cave full of amazing artifacts and objects of rarity and beauty!
We had a great wide ranging chat on many subjects.
More photos...
His main workbench area full to almost overflowing...
He has collected, stone, bone, and wood from ancient and modern sources...
Mammoth, Hippos, birds, sculls etc 
Not to mention very old muskets and rifles...

And miscellaneous everything everywhere! 
Not a tool used for trimming his moustache ...I think!
Everywhere one looks.....crickey!
No shortage of inspiration......
Things were just as interesting outside in the garden and he even had Bananas and Persimmons setting fruit.
Owen celebrated his 75th birthday the other day by walking to the top of Kapiti Island.
What a guy!
Northwards I charged off, being charged up by my visit to Owen, I stopped in Levin and got my busking gear out for a much needed blow out.
I gave the State Highway1 truck traffic quite a blast as they motored through town.
This Chinese lady came by taking a photo of me,
 but when I asked and motioned her to take a photo for me with my phone camera, 
she couldn’t understand me, nor speak any english.
Amazing ...Eh!
Onwards Past the Mansfield motor racing circuit and onto Feilding,
Such a nice open clean little town

I took the road less travelled up though northern Manawatu, so much rain lately has made things very green and photographable....but will save this for my next blog.
Unseasonable weather (rain) has given me the opportunity to catch up blogging, so its all good from the Road to Kawhia meandering till I get there...
Cheers, Kia kaha.
Stay safe and free...enjoy what you have, where you are ... and how you be!
Just clowning around.....

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