Sunday, September 8, 2019

OZ Blog #15 Mareeba Multicultural Festival.

I visited this festival some years ago and it has really grown since then.
Many of  these multi cultural groups live up here on the Tablelands.
It’s a celebration of cultural diversity in Dance, Song, Food.
I forgot to note down exactly where these various groups were from, but
I think these ones are from South America.

And these probably from Germany or Austria.

Samoa had a totally different energy and sound

I love the Latino flair and passion which comes out in their dance and attitude.

This is a banana plantation on the road between Atherton and Mareeba, pretty exotic for us Kiwis.

Back at home base I park the Ranger under this Bunja Pine tree,
and am told the cones are so huge if one of them hits you ... it will be painful.

I’m not sure what this fruit is called or even if it’s edible ... but someone will know?

It’s very sticky and gooey.
I went out to Nerada Tea Plantation near Malanda.

Not much to look at in this form.

But after all this massive machinery has its way it does look like the tea we know.

While a butterfly trapped on the factory window..flutters by!

This Kookaburra is looking at his Aussie mate way way up the tree.
It’s the Lumholtz Tree-kangaroo...
Ohhh..I’m stretching to get that nice green juicy one...over there.
He’s (or She’s) a limber, ‘lumber” tree Kangaroo... “wood” you believe?

These Rainbow Lorikeets stopped me juggling in the park in Malanda.
I just had to photograph them, such energy, colour and noise, I couldn’t compete.

That’s all for OZ Blog #15
I hope you are well and safe, and make sure you stay that way.
Preparation for my Cape York adventure is progressing well, amongst the stories I’ve heard about the Cape.
Today I heard on the news a woman was attacked by a dingo up that way, so that’s another reason not to be sleeping on the ground.
Interesting times up ahead!

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