Thursday, January 31, 2019

Timaru Sunset, Menz Shed and Victorian Oamaru.

At Timaru we stayed at the Phar Lap Raceway, so nice to wake up and look out the window to see horses being exercised, both galloping and trotting.
I looked seriously and impishly at riding my Unicycle around the track, 
then thought I might scare the horses.
Another visit to another Menz Shed, this time in Timaru. This shed has only been open for 6 months and are already well set up. As soon as I told them I was from the Waimea shed they knew of our exploits from the national Newsletter. Very friendly guys...even tho smoko had passed they made me a brew. Stu took me around on his sheds tour, open 3 days per week, once again very easy to chat to blokes at sheds! Adrian spottted my Unicycle on the front and suggested I give a demo.

 Stu, who is recovering from a motorbike accident, is spending a lot of time at the shed organising things and super chatty.
This is Graham... one of the founders....
receiving a car load of donated tools
 and bits and pieces that came in to be sorted.
In all my days on the end of a shovel, I've never seen one of these!
Adrian, one of the Menz Shedders, invited us to stay on his farm just outside of Timaru, 
which we did and it was definitely a highlight. 
Lovely rolling hills in a paddock surrounded by trees beside a lovely pond, we chatted to Adrian and his wife Brenda, while we viewed the most fabulous sunset sharing its beauty. 

As we drove away these little Shetland ponies came along.
Before we left the Timaru area we spotted this beautiful building,
the Sacred Heart Basilica..... 
The door was open and it was Saturday

I was pretty floored with the view.

Onward down state Highway 1 we stopped at the Riverstone complex, restaurant, shop, gardens and castle (I didn't take any photos the castle ...this time)
The flowers and veggie gardens are superb.

What lovely colour for this wheelbarrow....shame about the name
but these are definitely greens!

 Onwards to Oamaru, we stayed 3 days getting the bus radio sorted, a reversing camera fitted and new signage on the bus. There's plenty to see and experience in Oamaru.

Riding the bike out to see the seals and the Blue Penguin colony... 
 Sammy the seal was just shooting the breeze for all to see!

One of the last building before that is a Trug maker, advertising his wares and workshop...once again the door was open ...and in I meet Bob Blair. It was very hot for Oamaru (high 20's), and Bob said "don't take a picture of my legs".
Bob is a modern man, caught in a time warp. Oamaru is the place for these types of people.
We chatted freely on many subjects. He is very much a traditionalist, using old hand tools the old way, making in the spirit of William Morris himself, objects of function & beauty.  Through the internet people find his trugs and order them.

His workshop is a step back in time, and the way he dresses and acts are all in keeping with his beliefs. He is also a bonafide Penny Farthing rider and also has an electric bike, but I'll bet he has no lycra!

Nothing but the sound of shavings and idle chatter...

If that block of wood or those tools could speak...what a story they could tell.
Meanwhile back in Jimu's world, he gets ready to go busking in Harbour Street.
 As usual my position in life.... looks like I've gone off the rails.
I did have fun down in Harbour street...
enough to buy several ice creams. 
Back at the sign shop, the owner Maurice's left hand drive '32 Ford is much admired by me.
Made out to look like it is a rust bucket..
not true!

Maurice did a fine job on the new bus signage, we preferred to continue the tradition and named this bus....well you'll have to wait till the next Blog to see it.

Next blog will be down the coast to Bridge Point, heading inland towards Central Otago to attend the Lauder Ukulele festival.
Till then take care, stay safe, and be creative in anyway that tickles your fancy.

Jimu & Christine.


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