Sunday, August 13, 2017

Waimea Menz Shed Bike Ride Marsden Valley

G'day Sheddies.

Attempt #2
Last weeks email out to the members got stuck in the shed computer, hopefully this week we will manage to email this notification out. Have update the date, the rest is the same as last week.

Our next ride will be this Wednesday the 23rd August 2017, as usual leaving after smoko from the Shed at 10.20am.
Destination Marsden Valley up to the start of the Barnicoat Track.
Lunch will be somewhere in Stoke, either at Squires or the Bakery Cafe.
I picked Wednesday as the weather is ok, later in the week rain is predicted.
Our last ride to Brightwater via the River Road Stop Bank was successful with an increasing number of men with Mens Shed Waimea hi-vis vests a total of 7 Sheddies started,

From the left (quick march) 
Barry, Brian??, John, Dave, Jimu 
(kneeling because his prayers for fine weather were answered) 
Colin and Roger......with tail end Ian charlie to come!

Ps Roger don't know all the blokes names, will do better next time, 
I'm lucky I can remember mine!

Tail end charlie caught us up in River Road. He takes up so much road, he's a traffic hazard all on his own!

We stopped to admire the steel gate in River road my father had made out of scrap steel ex Anchor Dorman, just as I was telling the story, my father showed up in his ever present form... a little Fantail which fluttered in and out.
Some took the easier route off grass along the tarseal and gravel road (I believe) and therefore won the race to Brightwater. Barry, Colin and Jimu came in a not too shabby second.

Once again we made another sort of impromptu shed visit to Dave Meier's shed to view recent purchases and builds.

 Here is Dave with his new sweet little welder, complete with special extremely hi tec splatter spray in the form of Vaseline and Rice Bran oil.
 His self made linisher cost "absolutely nothing"...that's!
And does a fabulous job producing sawdust too!
 It runs so sweetly ... even the dust is good for your sweet tooth.
He has more machinery stacked into this little shed than you can shake a stick at
Well that's what Menz Sheds are for....right!
 This is the start of and reason for the little welder purchase. 
 Dave is scratching his head saying 
"I wonder where I can get interesting little bits of scrap steel from?"
Brian?? says, I don't know, my back hurts,....
Kowhai Barry says I've got some scrap steel in me pockets you can have!

In the spirit of mens sheds, everything is open for jocularity, and chattabillity, which continued with more chat-an-billi-tea down the road at HQ Cafe.

Safely returning back to the shed well before smoko, we all survived to ride again, so see you all this Wednesday.

Weather permit applied for, still waiting for downloading on wednesday morning, bloody red tape!

The Social Committee.

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